

Pearly Droplets ~ February 2013

Welcome to The Pearly Droplets.

Dish'n The Books

COOK ~ Cook is a force with in The Household.  He knows what goes on in every corner, like Grayt, but he directs that energy to keeping the tables well laid.  Though Kalaydans don’t have as great a need for sustenance of the food variety as we do, thanks to chi energy, they enjoy an eye-pleasing spread.  His most accomplished preparation are his meads.  Not only the one praised by Bezhyanya, bed-sworn to Arrinay, the ruling woman of Kalaydan, but also several other specialties for which only he knows the recipes.  Every year at the annual festival, he places first in every category for the mead judging.  For anyone else entering, it’s an honor to place second behind him.  Though a strict taskmaster with his kitchen staff, every one of the serving knaves loves him deeply and many times will bring their troubles to him and not their own parents.  It’s common knowledge that Cook and his wife eschew the use of chi and only tolerate that element which is present in the air their breath.  You’ll have to read book two of the Kalaydan Chronicles to learn how that becomes an asset to them.  The Kalayadan Chronicles:  Book II ~ The Training is a work in progress.

THE BLACK-HAIRED WOMEN ~ The Black-haired Women (THBW) are one of two races found on the world upon which Kalaydan rests, Hëhrth, which illicits a response of revulsion when mentioned.  The other are the Banasheen.  Though rarely seen, TBHW are a race of women who take no men to their beds and are immune to the effects of chi.  They are a genetic mistake as are the Banasheen for the most part.  They add to their numbers by the offspring of those taken by the Banasheen and polluted with the lusts and needs of their captors.  They never become completely Banasheen, but share many of their appetites.  Males taken by the Banasheen are added to their numbers as second-class citizens but retain fertility unlike the Banasheen who have evolved into mules.  These males, while still fertile sire only female children who in turn are added to the numbers of TBHW.  Understanding now the roots of these women, be aware also their tastes are on a par with those of the Banasheen.  They live in almost total darkness and their skin takes on an almost greenish glow not unlike the molds found in the caves they inhabit.  They are tall willowy women with marble-like skin that has a very faint greenish tinge in sunlight.  You’ll read more of TBHW in the second book of the Kalaydan Chronicles.  The Kalayadan Chronicles:  Book II ~ The Training, is a work in progress.

Featured AuthorI love writing; it’s a great outlet for the crazy slut who hangs around in the back of my mind, and having the opportunity to tell the stories in my head is immensely rewarding.  Danielle Austen, Author

Danielle Austen discusses her book, The Magician’s Lover, Book 1 in the Prophecy Girl Trilogy in her author interview here.

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He’s in love with her and always keeps his word; she doesn’t believe in love or that men can be trusted.  From Brazos Bride by Caroline Clemmons.

Caroline Clemmons discusses her book Brazos Bride, which is Book One of the Men of Stone Mountain trilogy in her guest blog post here.

Writerly ThoughtsWhen to use acronyms:

There’s nothing more frustrating, when reading a great article, than getting part way through a great article and realize it’s liberally sprinkled with acronyms for which I don’t know the meaning.  I find having to stop my reading long enough to look up the acronym, and then find the right meaning in context  (I hope), more than a bit annoysome and manytimes through the article may consider putting it down for another time (perhaps never).  Of course, I don’t want to consider it a perverse pleasure on the part of the writer, or that they’d deliberately used their article to flount their superior knowledge of the topic at hand and thus the acronyms used in association therewith.  Knowing I have been guilty of this discourtesy more than once, I figured it wouldn’t hurt for me to familiarize myself with the particulars of using acronyms.

In The Correct Use of Acronyms on scribendi.com, one of the primary practices mentioned is to use the shortened form of the word in parentheses after the word or combination of words in place of which it will be used.  Also, be consistent.  If you start out to use the acronym MIA for missing in action, then switch to using MIA to mean something different later in the same document, the potential for confusion is obvious.  The same article referenced at the start of this paragraph provides an excellent definition of the word acronym if needed.

In, Initialisms and Acronyms,by Mark Nichol on dailywritingtips.com, you’ll find more specific information in the case of using common initials and abbreviations for which each letter should be enunciated versus those for which the letters are pronounced together as a word.  Though the focus is in the use of articles with each type of acronym, and much less so the place periods have with an acronym, this article provides useful and more precise usage tips than the previous article.

Grammar Girl summarizes the above information in a rather abbreviated presentation.  In Abbreviations, Acronyms, And Initialisms by Mignon Fogarty on http://grammar.quickanddirtytips.com.   I make reference below also to my writer’s handbook of choice, _The Writer’s Harbrace Handbook: Brief Second Edition_, by Glenn, Miller and Webb, only because I keep it close at hand and am surprised there is quite a bit more on the subject of acronyms and abbreviations in chapter 36, page 502 – 507 of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Numbers.

Though in my first article reference above, The Correct Use of Acronyms, there is brief mention of the use of casual acronyms, such as those used in text messaging, I’d like to say a bit more on the subject.  I found this rather extensive list of informal abbreviations used in English, Casual Abbreviations in English.  When deciding to use these forms in your writing, consider if using it will be appropriate to your target audience, your character, and your story.  If you’re writing an article, unless it’s an article on the use of casual speech, I leave them out.  If you’re addressing a casual, informal readership, then by all means, let her rip!

The Correct Use of Acronyms
_The Writer’s Harbrace Handbook: Brief Second Edition_, by Glenn, Miller and Webb.
Initialisms and Acronyms
Abbreviations, Acronyms, And Initialisms


I have dabbled with writing for many, many years.  Thinking back, I’ve produced a number of newsletters, entered a contest or two and enjoyed the knowledge that some view me as possessing the proverbial poison pen.  There’s never been a direction to which I could put my writing to use.  In October of 2011, an old highschool friend with whom I’d recently reconnected introduced me to the idea of self-publication.  I’d not considered it before.  Then, everything fell into place.  I would have benefited from a resource such as the one I introduce you to below when I first got became serious about my writing a little over a year ago.  There is much I get from the vlog KB Miller and Jennifer Wright produce with newbies to epublishing in mind.

Self-Publishing 101 ~ #1 Introduction
Self-Publishing 101 ~ #2 Internet Etiquette
Self-Publishing 101 ~ #3 EBook Formatting
Self-Publishing 101 ~ #4 Beta Readers

These videos are extremely informative.  The two authors who produce them are not professionals in the field of video production; but, they’ve done a great job of compiling information and imparting it in an easy-access medium while sharing their own experience.  I recommend this highly to anyone thinking about becoming a self-published author to many who are already seasoned in this emerging publication option.

You’ll find their blogs at the links provided below:

KB Miller
Jennifer Wright

Additional information sources for self-publishing:

25 Things You Need To Know
Legal Issues In Self-Publishing:  What Authors Need To Know
Self Publishing in 2013
No Longer Just A Vanity Project
How Self Publishing Works

On Grinnie

I sit here, looking at the contents of my storage space which I’d salvaged before Christmas and for which I’m dragging my feet in the organizing thereof.  I’m the consummate procrastintor.  You’d have never guessed, right?  There’s a good excuse I can wield in my defense.  Time constraints.  I work full-time, along with a few part-time endeavors, and am solely responsible for maintaining my household (and all the glorious tasks that entails like laundry, dishes, cleaning and the like).  Yeh, who needs excuses.  But what stands out to me as glaring is the highly accessible area where I write.  Currently finding a place to eat around here can be a challenge.  The kitchen bar suffices for now as I’ve put the kotatsu away in the closet.  I had the foresight to have it made with removable legs.  The woodworker who madeit did an excellent job.  When I was Wikkan, I always created sacred space that was in one place and always accessible wherever I lived.  Though my spiritual pursuits have changed, I find my “sacred space” is more mobile around here.  This means that for me, my mindset has changed and I consider writing space that is static and not moving, to be more desirable, now.  It’s possible my writing space is also an extension of my sacred space.  I say all the above to say this.  As our outlook on various things in our lives evolves and changes, so will our writing.   My fondest example are the changes one sees in the writing style of Stephen King.  I didn’t really follow Mr. King during his earlier writing years; however, his book on writing got my attention and his writings are now included in my toolbox in the compartment for writing I look to for examples.  I think it will also be an instructional pursuit for me to observe the changes in my writing style over the coming years and those things I can scavenge from the earlier years of dabbling.


BTS Promotions: Erotica Authors & Readers Group
BTS Promotions:  Erotica Authors & Readers Group ~ Love Me Tender, Love Me True Valentines Day Event
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